Here is a copy of the letter that I'm sending to the various news media listed on
Take Back The Media.
Dear Sirs/Madams,
Speaking as a Viet Nam veteran, I would like to know why the media are beating the war drums for the Bush administration.
Are our soldiers' lives that cheap, that we can throw them away as we did in Viet Nam?
The chickenhawks in this un-elected government
avoided service in Viet Nam:
Bush hid out in the reserves - a well-known dodge in that time.
VP Cheney - several deferments, the last by marriage (in his own words, "had other priorities than military service")
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert - avoided the draft, did not serve.
Majority Leader Dick Armey - avoided the draft, did not serve.
Majority Whip Tom Delay - avoided the draft, did not serve. "So many minority youths had volunteered ... that there was literally no room for patriotic folks like himself."
Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott - avoided the draft, did not serve.
Att'y Gen. John Ashcroft - sought deferment to teach business ed at SW Missouri State
Jeb Bush, Florida Governor - did not serve.
Karl Rove - avoided the draft, did not serve.
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich - avoided the draft, did not serve
"B-1" Bob Dornan - avoided Korean War combat duty by enrolling in college acting classes (Orange County Register article)
Phil Gramm - avoided the draft, did not serve, four (?) student deferments
Are these the Republicans that are tough on defense?
Am I to believe that these sad sacks are qualified to over-rule Pentagon brass and attack Iraq? Oh, please!
George A. Montgomery Jr.
USMC, 2/69 - 6/75