Saturday, February 22, 2003

I've just been reading a post at related to the medical marijuana case in Oakland, CA. Seems the jury is feeling used now that they've learned the actual facts of the case that was presented to them. For some reason they had to determine guilt or innocence without hearing the full facts of the case. Some will say that there were good and sufficient legal reasons to lie to the jury. Beyond doubt the jury was lied to, for half of the truth is half a lie. Let's hear it for American Jurisprudence.
Ashcroft is a real creep. A slimeball. The contempt that I feel for him and his ilk is beyond verbalizing. The fact that the voters of Missouri elected a dead man rather than him should give us all pause. Anyone trying to say that the dead man's election was a sympathy vote is full of shit, and is objectively pro-slimeball and a fellow-traveller of slime-balls.
After reading about the Bushiviks, I feel unclean, like I've witnessed something really obscene.